10 Overview of Calculator Operations
Parentheses 9 :
Use parentheses to control the order in which the calculator evaluates a
numeric expression in division, multiplication, powers, roots, and
logarithm calculations. The calculator includes up to 15 levels of
parentheses and up to 8 pending operations.
Note: You do not have to press : for expressions ending in a series of
closed parentheses. Pressing N closes parentheses automatically,
evaluates the expression, and displays the final result. To view
intermediate results, press : once for each open parenthesis.
Factorial & g
The number for which you compute a factorial must be a positive integer
less than or equal to 69.
Random Numbers & a
The calculator generates a random real number between zero and one
(0<x<1) from a uniform distribution.
You can repeat a sequence of random numbers by storing a seed value in
the random number generator. Seed values help you recreate
experiments by generating the same series of random numbers.
To store a seed value, key in an integer greater than zero and press D
& a.
Combinations & s
The calculator computes the number of combinations of n items taken r
at a time. Both the
n and r variables must be greater than or equal to 0.
Permutations & m
The calculator computes the number of permutations of n items taken r
at a time. Both the
n and r variables must be greater than or equal to 0.
Rounding & o
The calculator computes using the rounded, displayed form of a number
instead of the internally stored value.
nr)! r!×–(