Instruction Classification
4-37Assembly Language Instructions
Table 4–27. Class 5 Instruction Description (Continued)
C5 Mnemonic Description
0 1 0 1 1 MOV {adrs}, TOS Store the contents of the top of stack (TOS) register to the data memory
location referred by addressing mode {adrs}. Transfer status is modified.
0 1 1 0 0 STAG {adrs} Store 1 to the 17
bit of data memory location referred by {adrs}. Set the
tag bit.
0 1 1 0 1 RTAG {adrs} Store 0 to the 17
bit of data memory location referred by {adrs}. Clear
the tag bit.
0 1 1 1 n–1 MOVT {adrs}, TFn Store TF1 bit if n=1, TF2 bit if n=0 status bit to 17
bit of data memory
location referred by addressing mode {adrs}.
1 0 0 0 0 MOV SV, {adrs}
Load shift value (SV) register with contents of the location referred by ad-
dressing mode {adrs}. Transfer status is modified.
1 0 0 0 1 MOV PH, {adrs} Load Product High (PH) register with content of data memory location
value referred by addressing mode {adrs}. Transfer is status modified.
1 0 0 1 0 MOV TOS, {adrs} Load top of stack (TOS) register with content of data memory location
referred by addressing mode {adrs}.
1 0 0 1 1 MOV STR, {adrs}
Load String (STR) register with content of data memory location referred
by addressing mode {adrs}. Only the lower 8 bits are loaded. Transfer
status modified.
1 0 1 n n MOV APn, {adrs} Load lower 5 bits with content of data memory location referred by
addressing mode {adrs} to accumulator pointer (AP) register n. Transfer
status is modified (16-bit value).
1 1 0 0 0 MOV MR, {adrs} Load Multiplier (MR) register with content of data memory location
referred by addressing mode {adrs} and set the multiplier signed mode
(UM=0 in STAT register). Transfer status is modified.
1 1 0 0 1 MOVU MR, {adrs} Load Multiplier (MR) register with content of data memory location
referred by addressing mode {adrs} and set the multiplier unsigned mode
(UM=1 in STAT register). Transfer status is modified.
1 1 0 1 0 MULR {adrs} Multiply MR register by content of data memory location referred by
addressing mode {adrs}, add 0x00008000 to the 32-bit product to
produce a rounding on the upper 16 bits. Store the upper rounded 16 bits
to the PH register. No status change.
1 1 0 1 1 MUL {adrs} Multiply MR register by content of data memory location referred by
addressing mode {adrs} and store the most significant 16 bits of product
into the PH register. No status change.
1 1 1 0 0 RET
Return from subroutine. Load data memory location value addressed by
R7 (STACK) to program counter.
1 1 1 0 1 IRET
Return from interrupt routine. Load data memory location value ad-
dressed by R7 (STACK) to program counter.
The entire 17 bit is encoded. See Table 4–26.