4 Getting Started
Note: The flashing cursor changes to Þ when you press the y key.
ƒ key
The ƒ key lets you enter the alphabetic characters and some special
symbols. To enter T, for example, press ƒ (and then release it) and
then press ¶. In the guidebook this key combination is indicated by
ƒ [T].
If you have several alphabetic characters to enter, press y7 to
avoid having to press the ƒ key multiple times. This locks the alpha
key in the On position until you press ƒ a second time to unlock it.
Note: The flashing cursor changes to Ø when you press the ƒ key.
‘ key
The ‘ key erases the home screen. This key is located just below the
four arrow keys at the upper right corner of the TI-84 Plus keyboard. If
you press ‘ during an entry, it clears the entry line. If you press
‘ when the cursor is on a blank line, it clears everything on the
home screen.
Although it does not affect the calculation, it is frequently helpful to
clear the previous work from the home screen before you begin a new
problem. As you work through this guide, we recommend that you press
‘ each time you begin a new Example. This removes the previous
example from the home screen and ensures that the screen you see
matches the one shown in the example.
y 5
If you accidentally press a menu key, pressing ‘ will usually return
you to the home screen, but in most cases pressing y5 to leave the
menu and return to the home screen.
Entering an expression
An expression consists of numbers, variables, operators, functions, and
their arguments that evaluate to a single answer. 2X + 2 is an expression.
Type the expression, and then press Í to evaluate it. To enter a
function or instruction on the entry line, you can:
• Press its key, if available. For example, press «.
— or —