Chapter 1 B-11
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Evaluate y1 at x = 7 by recalling the previous entry with
2nd ENTER (ENTRY) , edit the 5 to 7 by pressing
and typing over the 5, and press ENTER .
Repeat the process to evaluate y1 at x = 10.
& 1.2 Functions and Graphs
When you are asked to estimate or approximate an output or an input value, you can use your
calculator in the following ways:
¥ tracing a graph (Sections 1.1.5, 1.1.6)
¥ close values obtained from a table of function values (End of Section 1.2.2)
When you are asked to find or determine an output or an input value, you should use your
calculator in the following ways:
¥ evaluating an output on the home screen (Section 1.1.7)
¥ find a value using the AUTO or ASK features of the table (Section 1.2.1)
¥ determine an input using the solver (Section 1.2.2)
1.2.1 DETERMINING OUTPUTS Function outputs can be determined by evaluating on the
home screen, as discussed in 1.1.7. You can also evaluate functions using the calculatorÕs
TABLE. (On the TI-85, the table is accessed with program TABLE.) When you use the table,
you can ask for specific output values corresponding to the inputs you enter or generate a list
of input values that begin with TblMin and differ by DTbl and their corresponding outputs.
LetÕs use the TABLE to determine the output of the function v(t) = 3.622(1.093)
when t =85.
Press GRAPH F1 (y(x)=) , clear any functions, and enter 3.622(1 .093)^X in location y1. Exit.
TI-85 Note that when using program TABLE, any
functions you want to evaluate should be in locations
y1, y2, and so forth. That is, donÕt leave an empty
function location in the y(x)= list. (Program TABLE
can be found in the TI-85/86 Appendix.)
An alphabetical list of the programs that you have
entered in your TI-85 appears on the bottom menu.
Press PRGM and then press
F1 (NAMES) .
Find the name TABLE (press MORE if necessary).
Press the F-key corresponding to the location of the
program and ENTER to ÒrunÓ the program.
Since we only want v(85), enter 2 for ASK and type
85 at the x=? prompt.