
Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. 16 WRL Instruction Manual
Pin 3 Pin 5 . . . Transmit Data
Pin 4 Pin 7 . . . . Data Set Ready
Pin 5 Pin 9 . . . Signal Ground
Pin 6 Pin 2 . . . Data Terminal Ready (must be true to send data)
Pin 7 Pin 4 . . . Clear to Send
Pin 8 Pin 6 . . . Request Send
Pin 9 Pin 8 . . .
To communicate with a computer a null modem adapter or cable must be used.
Modem Installation
A modem may be used with the WRL for remote operations. A modem adapter must
be used to properly connect the weather station to a modem. For auto answering, an
auto-answering modem with non-volatile memory must be used. The WRL does not
send AT control signals, so in order for the modem to properly answer, the modem
must be told (programmed with a computer) to answer on whichever ring the user
desires. (Modems pre-programmed in non-volatile memory are available from Texas
Weather Instruments.)
Typical Output
Temperature Daily Monthly Rainfall
Time Date Direction Speed Aux Indoor Outdoor Humidity Pressure Rain Rain Rate
15:00 07/24/90 127 03MPH 070F 069F 082F 090% 30.04" 00.01"D 01.20"M 00.00"R
15:15 07/24/90 130 04MPH 052F 069F 078F 099% 30.04" 00.19"D 01.38"M 00.72"R
15:30 07/24/90 122 02MPH 065F 068F 072F 089% 30.04" 00.19"D 01.38"M 00.00"R
MIN 07/24/90 123 00MPH 070F 067F 067F 054% 30.00" 00.19"D 01.38"M 00.00"R
MAX 07/24/90 135 25MPH 052F 071F 092F 099% 30.06" 00.19"D 01.38"M 00.72"R
Computer Interface
The WRL with the proper cable, may be plugged directly into computers equipped with RS-
232 interfaces. Data may be captured using a communication program like hyperterminal
or the TWICAL program. The WRL sends data in a serial format at 300 to 19.2 baud rate,
8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit.
Note: The WRL has two separate minimum and maximum memories. Clearing the M
command minimum and maximum memory will not affect the C command minimum
and maximum memory and vice-versa. The printer/computer memories clear at 12:00
midnight every day and/or when the c key is pressed on the computer console.