4 Helix
Safety precautions
1.2 Isocyanate (ISO) Conditions
Important Information Regarding Two-Component
Material. Read before using the equipment.
Isocyanate (ISO) Conditions
• UseonlyMethyldiisocyanates(MDI).
• Sprayingmaterialsthatcontainisocyanates(ISO)creates
• Befamiliarwiththespraymaterial’sMSDSinorderto
that are related to the use of spray materials containing
• Provideextensiveexhaustandfreshairintroductiontokeep
the air within the spray area free from harmful isocyanate
respirator must be available to everyone in the work area.
To prevent contact with isocyanates, all persons located
within the spray area must be wearing the appropriate
protective equipment, including chemically impermeable
gloves, boots, aprons and goggles.
Material Ignition
• Somematerialsmaybecomeself-ignitingifappliedtoo
• Cross-contaminationofindividualspraymaterialscanresultin
cured material in uid lines which can cause severe injury and/
or damage to the equipment.
• Topreventcross-contaminationoftheequipmentwetted
parts, NEVER interchange Component A (isocyanate) parts
with Component B (resin) parts.
Moisture Sensitivity
Isocyanates (ISO) are catalysts used in two-component foam and
polyurea coatings. ISO will react with moisture (such as humidity)
to form small, hard abrasive crystals. These crystals will then
contaminate the uid. Eventually a lm will form on the uid
surface and the ISO will begin to gel, increasing in viscosity. Fluid
contaminated with partially cured ISO , if used, will reduce spray
performance and the overall life of the component wetted parts.
The amount of lm formation and the rate of
crystalization varies depending upon the blend of
ISO, the humidity and the temperature.
• Alwaysuseasealedcontainerwithadisiccantdryinginthe
• UseONLYthemoisture-proofhosesspecicallydesignedfor
ISO that are supplied with your system. If new hoses need to
be ordered, contact Titan Technical Service.
• Neverushreclaimedsolventsthroughthesystem.
Reclaimed solvents can contain moisture. Always keep
solvent containers closed when not being used to prevent
moisture contamination.
• Neverusesolventononesideifithasbeencontaminated
from the other side.
• AlwayslubricatethreadedpartswithISOpumpoilorgrease
when reassembling.
Changing Materials
• Whenchangingspraymaterials,thoroughlyushthe
equipment multiple times to ensure that it is fully clean.
• Alwayscleantheuidinletstrainersafterushing.
• Checkwithyourmaterialmanufacturerforchemical
• MostmaterialsuseISOwithComponentA,butsomeuseISO
with Component B.
• Epoxiesoftenhaveamines(hardener)withComponentB.
Polyureas often have amines with Component B (resin).
Foam Resins with 245fa Blowing Agent
Some blowing agents will froth at temperatures above 90º F (33ºC)
when not under pressure, especially if agitated. To reduce frothing,
1.3 Electric Safety
Electric models must be earthed. In the event of an electrical short
circuit, earthing reduces the risk of electric shock by providing
an escape wire for the electric current. Connection to the mains
only through a special feed point, e.g. through an error protection
DANGER — Work or repairs at the electrical
equipment may only be carried out by a skilled
electrician. No liability is assumed for incorrect
installation. Switch the unit o. Before all repair
work, unplug the power plug from the outlet.
Danger of short-circuits caused by water ingressing into the electrical
pressure steam cleaners.
Work or repairs at the electrical equipment:
assumed for incorrect installation.
Operating Temperature
This equipment will operate correctly in its intended ambient, at a
Relative Humidity
The equipment will operate correctly within an environment at 50%
Measures shall be taken by the Purchaser to avoid the harmful eects
of occasional condensation.
This equipment will operate correctly up to 2100 m above mean sea
Transportation and Storage
This equipment will withstand, or has been protected against,
It has been packaged to prevent damage from the eects of normal
humidity, vibration and shock.