8 © Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.
Battery Connections
1. Use a 12 volt battery with an ampere-hour rating of at
least 18AH.
2. Connect the battery positive (+) cable to the starter
solenoid terminal as shown.
3. Connect battery negative (-) cable to an engine mounting
bolt, frame bolt, or other good engine ground connection.
4. Check the battery cable connections to be sure the
cables are tightened and free of corrosion. Remove any
corrosion and coat the terminals and cable ends with
Negative (-)
battery cable
Positive (+)
battery cable
The battery gives off explosive gases; keep sparks,
flames and cigarettes away. Provide adequate
ventilation when charging or using batteries in an
enclosed space.
The battery contains sulphuric acid (electrolyte).
Contact with skin or eyes may cause severe burns.
Wear protective clothing and a face shield.
• If electrolyte gets on your skin, ush with water.
• If electrolyte gets in your eyes, ush with water for at
least 15 minutes and call a physician.
• Electrolyte is poisonous. If swallowed, drink large
quantities of water or milk and follow with milk of
magnesia or vegetable oil and call a physician.
• Keep out of reach of children.
1. Use only distilled water in the battery. Tap water will
shorten the service life of the battery.
2. Filling the battery above the UPPER LEVEL line may
cause the electrolyte to overow, resulting in corrosion to
the sprayer assembly.
3. Be careful not to connect the battery in reverse polarity, as
this will short circuit the battery charging system and trip
the circuit breaker or fuse.
Positive (+)
battery cable
Negative (-)
battery cable