You can send SMS messages using the devices installed with
T-Mobile Communication Centre. The messages will be sent in the
same way as in the case of sending them directly from the
handset. With T-Mobile Communication Centre you can use the
dvantage of comfortable and fast writing of the messages using
the computer keyboard.
Note: the SMS service is not available for the devices intended for
Internet connection through the Internet 4G service.
Select the device which you want to use for sending SMS in the
menu and connect the particular device to the computer (cable,
bluetooth or infrared port or insert the PCMCIA card).
This is the window for sending SMS which is viewed after clicking
the button with the picture of message:
It is possible to send SMS via the particular device only in case it is
not connected via GPRS.
You can write the message of up to 160 characters in the text field.
Right to that you can input the phone number of the recipient or you
can use the list of contacts read from SIM-card or from the handset
(the reading of the list takes several seconds depending on the
umber of stored contacts).
Left to the text field is the indicator of signal level and its value in
decibels (dB) and on the opposite side of the window you can find
the indicator of battery level. These elements are available in several
seconds after opening this window (communication between
computer and the device takes several seconds for getting this data).
Send button is disabled if it is not possible to send the message or
the message is being currently sent. If you press the button it gets
disabled. In the time it is enabled again the message was
successfully sent.
For closing this part of the window for sending the SMS press the
button with picture of message again. Please note that actions
related to this button are relevant for the device currently selected
in the menu.
8. Sending SMS