Installing and Using the Software on a Mac Computer
13. After your computer restarts, run Watcher Lite: in Finder, choose Go >
Applications > Sierra Wireless Watcher.
Watcher Lite should start:
Installing the Drivers
To install the drivers on your Mac computer:
1. Slide the front panel off the USB modem.
2. Hold the battery so that the side with two white arrows faces up and
the gold contact points on the end of the battery line up with the gold
contact points on the USB modem. Insert the battery into the USB
3. Slide the front panel onto the USB modem until the panel clicks into
4. Slide the lever on the bottom of the USB modem in the direction
indicated by the triangle to release the USB modem’s USB connector.
To avoid the risk of explosion, use the same battery model when replacing
the battery. Properly dispose of the used battery.