26 2A. Phone Basics
Speed Dialing
You can store up to 98 numbers in yourphone’s speed
dial memory to make contacting friends and family
You must assign a speed dial numberto the existing
phone numberbeforehand. See “Assigning Speed Dial
Numbers”on page 61.
Touse speed dial for locations 2-9:
From standby mode, press and hold the
appropriate key forapproximately two seconds.
To use speed dial for locations 10-99:
From standby mode, press appropriate keys, and
then press .
The display confirms that the numberhas been dialed
when it shows “Connecting...”
Abbreviated Dialing
Abbreviated Dialing is similarto speed dialing. You can
use eitherof the following abbreviated dialing features.
Contacts Match – Retrieve any numbersaved in your
Contacts by entering only the last three to six digits of
the number.
Prepend –P
repend the first five orsix digits (for
example, the area code and prefix)to any fourorfive
digits you enter.
Toactivate the Contacts Match feature:
1. Press >Settings > More... > Call Setup.
2. Select Contacts Match > On.
To activate the Prepend feature:
1. Press >Settings > More... > Call Setup >
Abbreviated Dialing.
2. Select Prepend > On.
3. Entera five- orsix-digit numberand press .
Speed dialing may not be available when you are
roaming; when you are roaming off the Nationwide
Sprint Network, you must always dial using eleven
digits (1+ area code + number).