Rev. A
Workman MD/MDX Drive TrainPage 5 -- 1
Chapter 5
Drive Train
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.....................
Operator’s Manual 1..........................
SPECIFICATIONS 2.............................
DRIVE TRAIN OPERATION 3....................
Clutch System Operation 3.....................
Drive Clutch Operation 4.......................
Driven Clutch Operation 5......................
SPECIAL TOOLS 6.............................
ADJUSTMENTS 7..............................
Adjust Ground Speed (Workman MD) 7..........
Adjust Ground Speed (Workman MDX) 8.........
Adjust Shift Cables 9..........................
SERVICE AND REPAIRS 10.....................
Drive Clutch 10...............................
Drive Clutch Service (Serial Number
Below 310000000) 12........................
Drive Clutch Service (Serial Number
Above 310000000) 13.3.....................
Driven Clutch 14..............................
Driven Clutch Service (Serial Number
Below 310000000) 15........................
Driven Clutch Service (Serial Number
Above 310000000) 15.1.....................
Transaxle 16.................................
Removal 16.................................
Installation 18...............................
Transaxle Service 20..........................
Transaxle Disassembly and Inspection 21......
Transaxle Assembly 35.......................
General Information
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Workman vehicle. Refer to the Opera-
tor’s Manual for additional information when servicing
the machine.
Drive Train