Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 4 -- 18Electrical System
Main Menu Screen
The main menu screen can be accessed from the Info-
Center main information screen by pressing and releas-
ing the menu/back button (left button) on the display.
Once to the main menu screen (Fig. 19), navigation to
the five (5) different menu items can occur. Pressing the
move tomenu itembutton (center button) allows a differ-
ent menu item to b e highlighted. Selection of the high-
lighted item is completed by pressing the choose item
button (right button).
The main menu items include faults, service, diagnos-
tics, about and settings. These menu items are de-
scribed below.
To return to the main information screen from the m ain
menu screen, press the back button (left button).
1. Main menu
2. Menu items
3. Move to menu items
4. Choose menu item
5. Back button
Figure 19
Main Menu
Faults Screen
The faults screen (Fig. 20) will list all machine electrical
faults that have occurred since the faults were last
cleared from the InfoCenter. The faults will be identified
by a number and when the fault occurred. Faults that
might occur on the eFlex machine are listed in the chart
on the next page.
The InfoCenter fault log can be cleared by selecting the
clear system faults menu item. The cleared faults will be
removed from the InfoCenter but will be retained in the
TEC controller memory.
If a fault occurs during machine use, there may be a
change in machine functionality due to the fault. Should
there be machine operation issues due t o a fault, a first
step to remedy the issue would be to move the traction
lever to the NEUTRAL position, turn the key switch OFF
and allow all machine functions to stop. Then, attempt
to restart the machine to see if operation has returned
to normal. Some faults will be reset during the restart
and will then allow normal function. If a fault continues
to occur, furthersystem evaluation and possible compo-
nent repair or replacement will be necessary.
To return to the m ain menu screen from the faults
screen, press the back button (left button).
1. Fault menu
2. Fault items
3. Move to menu items
4. Choose menu item
5. Back button
Figure 20
Clear System Faults
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