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Status Monitoring
• Status tab
Enables monitoring the printer status.
Applicable printer models
B-SX4, B-SX4-CN, B-SX5, B-SX5-CN, B-SV4,
B-852-R, B-452-R, B-EP2DL-G, B-EP4DL-G,
B-SX6T-R, B-SX8T-R, B-EX4T1-G, B-EX4T1-T,
B-EX4T2-G, B-EX4T2-T, and B-EX4T2-H
Requirements to use the status monitor:
The printer and the PC are connected with a
serial interface cable.
• The printer and the PC are connected with a
parallel interface cable and the “CENTRO.
MODE” and “PLUG & PLAY” are set to “ECP”
and “ON”, respectively. (B-SX4T/SX5T only)
• The printer and the PC are connected with a
USB cable.
• The printer and the PC are connected with a
LAN cable.
Printer Status Monitoring: Enables selecting how to start the status monitor.
• Disabled: Printer status is not monitored.
• During print jobs only: Printer status is monitored while a print job exists in the print queue.
• On demand: Printer status is monitored only while printing.
• Continuous: Printer status is always monitored.
Status Display Options:
Show advanced status in Comments field: When checked, a printer status is displayed on the
Comment column of the “Printer & FAX” window. Since this feature is not supported, do not change the
default settings.
Show icon in taskbar notification area: When checked, the status monitor icon is displayed on the task
bar and the printer statuses are periodically monitored.
Show Status Window: When checked, the status monitor’s status window is displayed. Remove the
check or click the [X] button to close the window.
• Printer: Name of the printer monitored.
• Port: Output port monitored. The printer uses this port for printing.
• Status: Printer status This is equivalent to the message displayed on
the printer LCD. This windows only shows the printer
statuses, not detailed information like the number of unprinted
Ready Paused Printing
Ready, Ribbon Low Paused, Ribbon Low Printing, Ribbon Low
Ready, Paper near end Pause, Paper near end Printing, Paper near end
Command Error Offline Out of Paper
Out of Ribbon Head Open Paper Jam
Cutter Error Ribbon Error Sensor Error
Door Open RFID Write Error RFIE Error
Label Present I/O Error Motor Temperature High
Head Temperature High Ambient Temperature Error Output Full
Battery Temperature High Low Battery Charge Error
Bluetooth Setting Error Battery Warning Head Temperature Warning
Motor Temperature Warning Memory Write Error Memory Error
Memory Card Error Busy RFID Setting Error