I. Important Safety Instructions for 3D Viewing
Blu-ray 3D
II. 3D Performance Issues
• Ifyouoranyviewerexperiencesthefollowingsymptoms
or any other discomfort from viewing 3D video images,
stop viewing and contact your health care provider:
Convulsions, Eye or muscle twitching, Loss of
awareness, Altered vision, Involuntary movements,
Disorientation, Eye Strain, Nausea/Vomiting, Dizziness,
Headaches, or Fatigue.
• Ifyoufeeleyefatigueorotherdiscomfortfromviewing
3D video images, stop viewing and take a rest until the
condition is eliminated.
• Due to the possible impact on vision development,
viewers of 3D video images should be age 6 or above.
Children and teenagers may be more susceptible to
health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should
be closely supervised to avoid prolonged viewing without
• Avoiduseofthe3Dfunctionwhenundertheinuenceof
• Watching the screen while sitting too close for an
extended period of time may cause eye strain. Consult
your display manual to determine the ideal viewing
• Viewingin3Dmaycausedizzinessand/ordisorientation
for some viewers. Therefore, to avoid injury do not place
your player or display near open stairwells, balconies, or
wires and do not sit near objects that could be broken if
accidentally hit.
• Carefullyreadinstructions providedwith yourdisplay
and/or 3D glasses before 3D viewing.
• Thisproduct isdesignedto playbackBlu-ray™ Discs
that comply with the 3D specifications of Blu-ray
Disc™ Association. It is not compatible with other 3D
• 3Dcapabledisplay,3DeyewearandHighSpeedHDMI
cable (all sold separately) required for playback and
viewing 3D content.
• IfyourouteyoursignalthroughanAVreceiverorother
video distribution device they must be 3D capable
to support 3D viewing. Viewing HD content and up-
converting DVD content may require an HDCP capable
input on your display device.
• BecausetheBlu-ray™formatand3Dspecicationsuse
new technologies, certain disc, content, connection
and other compatibility and/or performance issues are
possible. If you experience such issues, please refer to
support.toshiba.com for information on the availability
of firmware updates that may resolve your problem, or
contact Toshiba Customer Solutions.
• Viewingof3Dcontentrequirescompatible3Dglasses,
compatible 3D display, compatible 3D playback device
or 3D source and/or 3D capable HDMI
cable (all sold
• Someviewersmayexperienceaseizureorblackoutwhen
exposed to certain flashing images or lights contained in
certain 3D television pictures or video games. Anyone
who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other
symptom linked to an epileptic condition, or has a family
history of epilepsy, should contact a health care provider
before using the 3D function.
• BD Live™ requires connection of a USB driveof at
least 1 GB (sold separately) to USB port. For models
without built-in Wi-Fi
, BD Live™ is only supported via
Ethernet so when using single USB port for Internet
access, BD Live will not be available. Performance
of interactive features may vary due to disc design or
content, and may also require an always-on broadband
Internet connection. Firmware update may be required
for some interactive features. Some features may require
additional bandwidth. Internet services are available only
in the Canada.
• Whilewatchingthe3Dvideo,allanalogcomponentand
composite signals are blocked automatically.
• All3Dsignalsareoutputonly,usinganHDMI
through the HDMI OUT port.
• As the video resolution in 3D play mode is xed
according to the resolution of the original 3D video, you
cannot change the resolution to your preference.
• Youmust useahigh-speedHDMI
cable for proper
output of the 3D signal.
• Youcannotusethisproductforswitchinga2Dcontent
to 3D.