Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 95
Personal Call Handler 7
This powerful feature of Net Phone allows you to create Call Handling Rules to
automatically take actions when certain events occur and specific conditions are true.
That is, you create a rule so that (1) when an Event occurs, and (2) if certain
conditions are true, and then (3) perform specific Actions. Following are a few
examples of what you can accomplish with these Rules:
• When an Outside call with CallerID rings and I'm not on another call, popup
Microsoft Outlook and lookup the caller info in the database.
• Whenever a Call leaves my phone but hasn't been answered, write the call info to
an "Abandoned Call" file so I have a record of the call.
• Whenever I answer a call without CallerID, automatically present a screen so I can
type in the caller info for that call.
• Whenever I dial a call, automatically present a screen so I can type in the name for
that call.
• When that nagging broker calls, immediately transfer him to my voice mailbox.
• I’m working on an important project, so whenever anyone other than my boss
calls, immediately transfer them to V-mail.
• When my spouse calls, if I haven't answered the call within 5 seconds, play a
special tone on my PC to alert me.
• When I shutdown my phone, automatically log me out of all ACD groups.
Note Depending on your configuration you may not be able to change the Call
Handler Rules, in which case you should check with your System
The basic process for creating Personal Call Handling rules is to first define the
actions you would like to accomplish and test them. Then you can create a Personal
Call Handling Rule and choose which event will trigger the action(s) and then refine
this by setting the conditions for when the trigger will occur.