
Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 35
up the following window occurs (fig. 9) and the board reacts by red LED flashing quickly.
Be sure that the jumper J_EA is opened.
Figure 14 : Flash Programmer Window
All bars and icons are self explaining. It should be noticed that either internal or external
flash memory can be selected and programmed. Files to be downloaded have to be in
HEX16 or HEX20 format. Conversion tools are available in both tool sets.
It is important to mention that the ROM Monitors have to be located in the external
flash. Hence the reprogramming procedure is to choose the access “External Flash
then “Erase Flash” then open alternatively the files “iar.h20” for IAR or “toshiba.h20
for Toshiba ROM Monitor and then “Program Flash”. Both files are to be found in
Program Files/topas900flash/monitors”.