Operation Procedure
LSG MK II Low Pressure w/ 350lbs Dewar Tank
The Operation Procedures outlined in this section, refer to Figure C on Page 12.
1. Place the fog machine’s output nozzle rmly against the center of the foam ring sealing it to the input port of the
Tech Tip: Proper alignment can be observed by shining a ashlight into the 10” exit port of the LSG MK II and noting
the fogger’s output nozzle is centered on the LSG MK II input port.
2. Connect the blue Twist lock connector from the LSG MK II into the controlling power source (i.e. control port on
the rear panel of the Power Fog Family of Ultratec Special Effects Foggers). This port can be controlled via DMX, the
Timer/ Duration Remote or the Show Control Remote.
Note: Starting the ow of CO2 before the fog allows the liquid CO2 to purge the gas CO2 from the lines. The Liquid
CO2 is required for correct operation. The rule of thumb formula for calculating the purge time is 1 second for every
three feet of hose. As the liquid sits in the hose unused it absorbs heat and converts to its gas state.
3. Use Molecular Fog Fluid and adjust the ow rate to desired fog output level. Excessive fog ow will not cool
sufciently allowing the fog to rise off of the oor.
4. An LSG MK II Low requires low pressure Liquid CO tanks. These are normally available in a 350lb size. These are
large vacuum tanks which keep the Liquid CO2 cold. Some CO2 is consumed during storage to maintain the liquid
at -56C. These tanks provide the best performance and price characteristics of the LSG systems. Check with your
local gas supplier for availability as not every location may carry these tanks.
Warning: Wear eye protection and gloves to protect against cold and pressure hazards.
5. You must connect the supply hose to the liquid output of the liquid CO2 tank. This is usually clearly indicated on
the Liquid CO2 Tank outputs. A sealing washer is necessary to prevent leaks and is available from your gas supplier.
6. Tighten the CO2 supply-tting snug with the appropriate wrench.
7. The tank pressure is indicated on the pressure gauge and must read between 275 - 340 psi to operate the LSG
MK II. This is achieved by opening the Pressure Builder Valve (by turning it counter clockwise) at least 1-3 hours in
8. Open the valve slowly counter-clockwise until ow can be heard. Verify the lines have no leaks before opening the
valve fully.
9. When the fog machine is up to operating temperature, activate the control to start the CO2 for the desired purge
and pre-chill time. Purging of the CO2 gas can be noted by the change in the ow sound. It is often desirable to
pre-chill the chamber and long runs of ductwork (i.e. Fog Curtain). Now add fog to create the thick, white rolling
blanket that hugs the oor. On the Power Fog Family of Ultratec Special Effects Foggers, the CO2 is triggered by
DMX (DMX channel + 1) or by one of the remotes. To control using the remote, the DMX address is selected as 555.
This allows the Duration knob (turned up over 1/2 way) of the Timer/ Duration Remote or the second channel of the
Show Control Remote to trigger the LSG MK II.