
Your BCT15 scanner is a state-of-the-art scanner radio with Trunk Tracker™ III
and automatic scanning capabilities. You can store in the dynamic memory
conventional frequencies such as police, fire/emergency, marine, air, amateur, and
other communications. You can store and scan services that use Trunked Radio
Systems and so much more. You can use the scanner’s Scroll Control to quickly
select channels and frequencies, and you can automatically program channels in a
system using the AutoStore feature. Use your scanner to monitor:
Analog trunked public safety systems (unencrypted only) *
Police and fire departments (including rescue and paramedics)
NOAA weather transmissions
Business/Industrial radio and utilities
Marine and Amateur (ham radio) bands
Military and Civilian Aircraft
Your scanner can monitor the following bands
Lower Edge
Upper Edge
Modulation Step (kHz) Comments
25.0000 26.9600 AM 5.0 Petroleum Products & Broadcast
26.9650 27.4050 AM 5.0 CB Class D Channel
27.4100 27.9950 AM 5.0 Business & Forest Products
28.0000 29.6800 NFM 20.0 10 Meter Amateur Band
29.7000 49.9900 NFM 10.0 VHF Low Band
50.0000 53.9800 NFM 20.0 6 Meter Amateur Band
54.0000 71.9500 WFM 50.0 VHF TV Broadcast 2 - 4
72.0000 75.9950 FM 5.0 Intersystem & Astronomy
76.0000 87.9500 WFM 50.0 VHF TV Broadcast 5 - 6
88.0000 107.9000 FMB 100.0 FM Broadcast
108.0000 136.9750 AM 25.0 Aircraft Band
137.0000 143.9875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
144.0000 147.9950 NFM 5.0 2 Meter Amateur Band
148.0000 150.7875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
150.8000 161.9950 NFM 5.0 VHF High Band
162.0000 173.9875 NFM 12.5 Federal Government
174.0000 215.9500 WFM 50.0 TV Broadcast 7 - 13
216.0000 224.9800 NFM 20.0 1.25 Meter Amateur Band
225.0000 379.9750 AM 25.0 UHF Aircraft Band
380.0000 399.9875 NFM 12.5 Military Band