Channels: 832
Frequency Range: Transmit: 824.04 to 848.97 MHz
Receive: 869.04 to 893.97 MHz
Channel Spacing: 30 kHz
Duplex spacing: 45 MHz
Frequency Stability: +/- 2.5 ppm
Receiver Sensitivity: -116 dBm at -4°F to +122°F 5.3 V +/-10%
-113 dBm at -22°F to +140°F 5.3 V +/- 15%
ERP: 0.6 W — 6.3 mW (6 levels in 4 dB steps)
Modulation: Data - FSK Voice - FM (with compander)
Display: Illuminated Liquid Crystal
Power: 5.3 VDC +/- 10%
(as supplied by specified battery eliminator or battery charger accessory)
Battery Drain: Standby 45 mA (Typical), (approx. 15 hours)
TX 440 mA (Typical), (approx. 1.6 hours)
Operating Temperature: -22°F to +140°F
Battery Pack: Model PCD1080/PCD1086/PCD1087
Size of Phone and Battery: 6"H x 2 3/16"W x 1 1/4"D (with antenna stored)
Weight: 7.9 oz.
Specifications are typical and subject to change without notice.
H:...Pcd2000a new size.vp
Fri Oct 16 15:27:11 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen