
9. CHANNEL SELECTOR- This switch selects the desired channel for trans-
mission and reception. All channels, except channel 9, may be used for
communications between stations operating under different license. Chan-
nel 9 has been reseNed by the D.G.C for emergency communications in-
volving the immediate safety of individuals or the immediate protection of
property. Channel 9 also may be used to render assistance to a motorist.
This is a D.G.C rule and applies to all operators of CBradios.
10. TONE CONTROL - Adjust the bass (10)or treble (hi) response of the re-
11. RF GAIN - This control is used to adjust signal reception in areas where
strong signals are present. Turn the control fullyclockwise for maximum re-
12. SQUELCH - The Squelch control is used to eliminate background noise
during the absence of a transmission. Turn the control fullycounter clock-
wise, then slowly rotate it back, clockwise until all noise disappears. At this
setting any transmission must be slightly stronger than the background
noise to "Break Squelch" or to be heard. Further clockwise rotation will in-
crease the threshold at which a signal will be heard. You can select any le-
vel to "Break Squelch"
13. VOLUME CONTROL - Rotate clockwise to turn radio on and to increase
14. SWR KEY - Press to read the Standing Wave Ratio of your antenna. The
SWRLEDwill light when the SWRkey is pressed.
15. HI CUT KEY- Press to reduce the high frequency response of the receiver.
This key can be used to help eliminate the hiss and pop of AM reception.
16. PA SWITCH- Press this switch to the Public Address mode when an ex-
ternal PA speaker is connected. When the PA mode is selected, the CBra-
dio will be disabled. Adjust the PAoutput level by rotating the volume con-
ANTENNA CONNECTOR - This female connector permits connection of the
transmission line cable male connector (PL-259)to the transceiver.
PUBLICADDRESS - An external 8 ohm 7-watt speaker must be connected to
the "PASP"jack located on the back of the unit. The speaker must be directed
away from the mic to prevent feedback.
EXTERNALSPEAKER - The external speaker jack is used for remote receiver
monitoring. The external speaker should have an 8 ohm impedance and be rat-
ed at 7 watts. When an external speaker is connected, the internal speaker is
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