
directly to voicemail; outgoing voice calls can be made,
but will terminate the data connection.
Your data connection is dormant. (No data is being
sent or received.) Though not currently active, when
dormant the phone can restart an active connection
quickly; voice calls can be made and received.
Your phone is notcurrently able to access data service
If no indicator appears, your phone does not have a current
Navigating the Web
Navigating through menus and Web sites during a data
session is easy once youve learned a few basics. Here are
some tips for getting around:
During a data session, the bottom line of your phones display
contains one or more softkeys. These keys are shortcut
controls for navigating around the Web, and they correspond
to the softkey buttons directly below the phones display
Tip: Depending on which Web sites you visit, the labels on the softkeys
may change to indicate their function.
To use softkeys:
Press the desired softkey button. (If an additional
pop-up menu appears when you press the softkey
button, select the menu items using your keypad
[If theyre numbered] or by highlighting the option and
pressing .)
Data Services
Section 3B: Data Services 123