Varec, Inc. 47
4532 Troubleshooting
10 Troubleshooting
10.1 System error messages
These error codes are displayed on the ToF tool display when the ToF tool is properly
connected. For details regarding the error display on host instrument, please refer to
documentation of 4590 TSM or 6000 Series Servo Tank Gauge.
Code Description Possible cause Remedy
1 Common line open Ground (common) line has open
circuit. All temperature element
signals will be disabled or
Check connector
attachment on the module;
then check continuity on
common (black & white)
3~39 Element open Temperature element signal
( #1 ~ 6) has open circuit.
Check connector
attachment on the module;
then check continuity on
pointed signal cable (#1 ~
4~40 Element short Temperature element signal
( #1 ~ 6) has short circuit.
Disengage connector from
the module; then check
continuity on pointed
signal cable (#1 ~ 6)
23 #0 element over
When reference #0 element has
more than ±1.1°C deviation
from 0°C.
Check power supply
voltage on 4532 ATC HART
terminal H+ and H-
24 Memory defect
When a defect was discovered
during whole memory
parameter check. Cyclic data
comparison between previous
check sum to current one.
Replace main CPU board
29 Element exposed Liquid level dropped below #1
element position.
No liquid temperature
measurement is available.
32 Low power supply Supply voltage on multi drop
HART loop to 4532 ATC is below
16VDC from designated host
Check power supply on the
host instrument and
consumption of connected
loop powered HART device
41 Memory defect
Fault during Write and Read
sequence, not completed.
Replace main CPU board
42 Memory defect
Fault during Write and Read
sequence, not completed.
Check the write command
itself that is acceptable to
4532 ATC; if command is
OK, replace main CPU