Step 2. Insert the AN-001T module into the slots in
order without leaving slots open in between.
Up to 8 audio inputs including AN-001T's
inputs can be used per amplifier.
Step 3. Insert the T-001T module into the slots,
starting in order from Slot 5 without leaving
slots open in between.
Only Slots 5 – 7 can be used for the T-001T
Step 4. Insert the ZP-001T module(s) into the slots in
order without leaving slots open in between.
Start the insertion from Slot No. 1 when
neither D-001T nor AN-001T module is used.
Step 5. Insert the 900 Series input modules.
• When Slot No. 1 is occupied with the D-
001T or AN-001T, Slot No. 8 is not used for
the 900 Series module. Likewise, when Slot
No. 2 is occupied, Slot No. 7 is not used;
when Slot No. 3 is occupied, Slot No. 6 is
not used; and when Slot No. 4 is occupied,
Slot No. 5 is not used.
• Insert the 900 Series input modules in order
without leaving slots open in between.
• Use the open slots in increasing slot
number order even if the T-001T module is
mounted in an intermediate position.
• Insert modules into the slots, starting in
order from Slot No. 1 when not mounting
the D-001T, AN-001T, and ZP-001T.
Step 6. Insert the C-001T module in the open slot
with the lowest slot number.
Step 7. Attach the blank panels supplied with the unit
onto open slots.
If modules are not correctly installed, an error indication is displayed on
the VFD screen when the power is turned on. In such cases, check the
above procedures again and reinsert the modules.