Using the Verifone 250 Receipt Printer with MPI 2002
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The “Bits per second” should be set to
“9600”. Change “Data Bits” to “7” and
“Parity” to “Even”. Finally, set “Stop Bits” to
“1” and “Flow Control” to “Hardware”.
You do not need to click the ADVANCED or
RESTORE DEFAULTS buttons. Click the
OK button when you have completed the
Now, click the SPOOL SETTINGS
button. Choose “Print directly to the
printer” and click the OK button to
Next, click the PAPER tab at the top
of the dialog and choose “Custom”
from the list of paper sizes. When
you click on the “Custom” paper
size, enter “400” for “Width” and
“300” for “Length”. Click the OK
button to return to the PAPER tab.
Change the “Paper source” to
“Continuous – No Page Break”.
button and ensure all values are set
to “0”. Click the OK button in the
Unprintable Area dialog and return to
the PAPER tab.
Now, choose the DEVICE OPTIONS
tab from the top of the dialog. Set
the “Character Mapping” option to
“TTY custom” if not already selected.
Ensure “!” appears in the “On
Printer” box. Finally, place your
cursor in the box to the right of the
“End Print Job” option. Hold down
the control button on your keyboard
and type a “J”. The text “^J” should
appear in the box. Refer to the
diagram to the right and ensure your
screen looks the same. Click the
APPLY button and then click the OK
button to complete setting-up your
printer in Windows 98.