
102 Media Center
The play screen has several important features that indicate its current
The current playing time progress bar shows how much time is left for
the currently playing song. Tap and drag to move the playing point.
The repeat icon a indicates what repeat option is currently set.
The shuffle icon _ indicates whether or not all songs in the album or
list are being randomly shuffled.
Artist name indicates the singer or composer’s name, if this information
is attached to the file.
Album title indicates the album the song belongs to, if this information
is attached to the file.
Any album cover or artwork included in the album’s directory is
displayed when the song is playing.
Star icons ® indicate the rating given to the song by the user.
Tap the pause icon M to pause playing. This icon alternates with the play
icon L, so tapping it again resumes playing.
To view the currently playing list, tap the artwork and tap the list icon b
that appears on the left lower of the artwork.
To move to the previous or next song, use one of the following methods:
Tap the forward icon K to move to the next song. Tap the back icon J
to restart the currently playing song. Tap it twice quickly to move to the
previous song.
Flick the album cover to the left or right.
A sweeping action can also be used to skip to the previous or next song.
See “Sweeping” on page 23 for details.