Text-to-speech output: Sets the text-to-speech preferred engine and
speech rate setting. Also plays a short demonstration of speech
synthesis. Text-to-speech output provides an audible readout of text, for
example, the contents of text messages, and the Caller ID for incoming
PC connection
This menu allows you to manage the default USB connection type and
other connection functions.
Select USB connection method: Sets the default mode when
connecting your phone to a PC using a USB Cable. Choose from Charge
phone, Media sync (MTP), Internet connection, and Camera (PTP).
Ask upon connecting: Checkmark to confirm the USB connection type
when you connect to a PC.
Help: Displays connection settings information.
QuickWindow case: Tap to activate the QuickWindow case to use
functions available on the small view window.
Car Home: Checkmark to automatically set the phone to the Car Home
mode when it’s mounted in the car cradle.
USB storage: Sets the app panel display. Checkmark App panel to
automatically display the application panel when connected via an OTG
(On-the-Go) USB cable. Tap Edit app panel to change the displayed
Earphone: Sets the app panel display. Checkmark App panel to
automatically display the application panel when an earphone is
connected. Tap Edit app panel to change the displayed applications.
Dock: Sets the app panel display. Checkmark App panel to automatically
display the application panel when the device is inserted in a dock. Tap
Edit app panel to change the displayed applications.