Release the tone-arm from the armrest to free.
Turn the balance weight clockwise or counter clockwise until
the tone arm is balanced horizontally.
Return the tone-arm to the armrest.
Hold the balance weight with one hand as shown in the
drawing, and rotate only counter ring to bring the numeral "0"
of the ring into alignment with the center line on the tone-arm
rear shaft.
Adjustment of Horizontal Zero
Adjustment of Stylus Pressure
Illustration of Adjustment
The balance weight and cartridge are balanced,
the tone-arm is held horizontal.
Excessive forward advancement of the balance
weight causes the cartridge side to be lowered.
Excessive backward re-treatment of the balance
weight causes the cartridge side to be raised.
Adjustment of Tone-arm Height
Be careful not to touch your finger to the stylus
In case the balance weight moved, do the
adjustment of horizontal zero balance again.
Turn the balance weight to present the reading on the gauge to
the designed stylus force of your cartridge.As the counter ring
moves in step with the balance weight, proper stylus pressure
can be selected by reading the graduated ring directly.
In case of 16mm cartridge height Adjustment of tone-arm height do not need.
In case of 25mm cartridge height
Adjustment of tone-arm height need to set
The height of the tone-arm can be adjusted maximum 9mm by
adjust ring.
The appropriate stylus pressure (generally 3
4g) needs to be set in order to generate the best
performance. Please refer to the user's manual
of the stylus.
Generally, the highest setting of the tone-arm
provides the best performance with minimum
skipping. However, the original setting can be made
according to user's experiences. Please tighten the
adjustment screw after setting the height.