Watch Live TV?
There are three ways to watch Live TV.
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, highlight TV + Movies, and then highlight
Live TV by using the right arrow key, then hit OK.
2. Using your remote, simply press the Live TV button.
3. Afterwards, use the Channel + or – buttons, or enter the channel number with
the numeric pad to change channels.
Access the Programming Guide?
There are two ways to access the programming guide.
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, select TV + Movies, and then use the right
arrow key to highlight the Guide option and hit OK. The Guide will appear, as
shown below.
2. Simply hit the Guide button on the remote control and it will appear, as shown.
Live TV
remote button
Guide option
under My TV
Programming Guide
Remote Button
Get More Info
on Shows
Using the arrow keys,
highlight the upcoming
show you are interested
in, and then hit OK
again. A description of
the show will appear.