Create a DVD Picture Slideshow?
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to More Programs. Be sure to insert
writeable DVD media if you haven’t already done so.
2. Select Create CD/DVD. Hit OK.
3. Choose the DVD Slide Show option & name your new Slideshow DVD.
4. From your picture and music files, pick and choose which photos and song shows
you want to burn onto the DVD.
5. After you’ve finished your selections, choose View DVD to check and make sure
you have all the videos desired on the DVD. When you’re ready, click on Create
DVD to let VidaBox burn your new DVD.
6. Note that you can also make video CDs using the VidaBox™, but for maximum
compatibility and storage space, use a blank DVD instead.
Add Digital Files to the VidaBox™?
Adding pictures, music, and videos from other sources to the VidaBox™ is easy. Place
the CDs, DVDs, or memory cards in the appropriate drives or readers. Then, go to
My Computer under the Desktop Start Menu, as shown on the left.
The D: drive, called Storage, is dedicated solely for media storage. We recommend
copying all your digital media to the Storage (D:) drive and in the following folders for
greatest convenience.
Under Storage (D:), there are five (6) main
storage folders – Movies, Documents,
Music, Pictures, TV, and Videos, as shown
in the diagram on the right.
We highly recommend that you add all of your
digital media to Storage (D:). Everything here
is automatically shared, for everyone’s use, and
is optimally configured for media extender
usage if you plan to use extender devices.
We do not recommend storing your media
under Owner, Public, or Local Disk (C:), as
access to these folders may be limited for other
users and extender devices, causing much
Desktop Start Menu
Computer Option
Owner, Public,
Local Disk (C:) Avoid
storing files here – access
may be limited for other
users / extenders
(D:) My Storage
Please store your files
here, under the Movies,
Music, Pictures, TV, &
e Folders
Not Recommended