Command Parameter Value Stored? Description
POWER 0/1 NA Turns Projector On and Off
ON NA NA Turns Projector On
OFF NA NA Turns Projector Off
COMPOSITE NA YES Selects the Composite video input
SVIDEO1 NA YES Selects the S-Video 1 input
SVIDEO2 NA YES Selects the S-Video 2 input
COMPONENT NA YES Selects the Component input
HD1 NA YES Selects the RGB HD 1 input
HD2 NA YES Selects the RGB HD 2 input
DVI1 NA YES Selects the DVI 1 input
DVI2 NA YES Selects the DVI 2 input
HD1Pass NA YES Selects the HD 1 Pass Thru input
HD2Pass NA YES Selects the HD 2 Pass Thru input
OUT43 NA YES Selects the output screen
OUT169 NA YES Selects the output screen
ANAMORPHIC NA YES Selects the anamorphic aspect ratio
STANDARD NA YES Selects the standard (4:3) aspect ratio
LETTERBOX NA YES Selects the letterbox aspect ratio
INTELLIWIDE NA YES Selects the IntelliWide aspect ratio
RGBNN NA YES Outputs color space RGB w/negative, negative sync
RGBPP NA YES Outputs color space RGB w/positive, positive sync
RGBS NA YES Outputs color space RGB w/embedded sync on green
YUV NA YES HD YUV output color space
IHPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for horizontal position input
IVPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for vertical position input
IWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for width input
IHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for height input
OVERSCAN 0/10 YES Sets the overscan value in %
OHPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for width output
OVPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for height output
OWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for width output
OHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for height output
BRIGHTNESS -100/100 YES Sets a value for brightness
CONTRAST -100/100 YES Sets a value for contrast
COLOR -100/100 YES Sets a value for color
TINT -100/100 YES Sets a value for tint
SHARPNESS -6/6 YES Sets a value for sharpness
NIGHT NA YES Selects the ISF Night setting
DAY NA YES Selects the ISF Day setting
CUSTOM1 NA YES Sets the value per client
CUSTOM2 NA YES Sets the value per client
TRIGGER 1/3 YES Sets the trigger
BKGND -100/-100 YES Sets the background color for letterbox