42 Vidikron PlasmaView Owner’s Operating Manual
• Display Image (1080i digital and 1080p signals ONLY): Select Display Image from the
Display Device menu to perform the following display device adjustments.
• Contrast
• Sharpness
• Color Temperature
•Input Level
• Gain (red and blue)
• Offset (red and blue)
For detailed instructions for making these adjustments, refer to Calibration on page 38.
HD Format: If the characteristics of the incoming signal on the HD1 or HD2 inputs are
known, select HD Format from the Service menu and set them as described below. Doing so
can reduce the time it takes the VHD Controller to switch from HD to 480i signals or vice
This is generally not necessary unless the VHD Controller – for whatever reason – has
difficulty determining the color space (RGB or YUV), bandwidth or resolution of the incoming
HD signal. In most situations, the Auto settings work well.
• HD/RGB 1 and HD/RGB 2 (Color Space): Select Auto, RGB or YUV.
• ADC Bandwidth: Select Auto, 75 MHz, 150 MHz or 300 MHz.
• YPbPr Input Resolution: Select Auto or specify the input resolution, if known: 480i, 480p,
576i, 576p, 720p or 1080i.
Triggers: Select Triggers from the Service menu to configure the 12-volt trigger outputs. You
can assign one or more trigger outputs to each aspect ratio. Those triggers are then activated
by selecting that aspect ratio.
To save the trigger settings so that they can be restored after a System Reset (described
below), press
repeatedly to highlight “Save.” Then, press ENTER.
The PlasmaView stores any changes you make to these settings in the
currently-selected ISF preset (ISF Day or ISF Night). After calibrating the
display for one ISF preset, save your settings, select the other ISF preset and
repeat the process.