Smoking intensifies the flavor by adding smoke to the cooking
process. To achieve ample smoke ring and flavor add your
favorite choice of wood chunks into the ash pan through the
firebox door (small door on right). Popular wood chunks used
are mesquite and hickory, but there are many different flavors
to choose from at your local BBQ goods supplier. Always soak
the chunks in water prior to putting them into the box. The
additional smoke generated creates a “cloud” around food
which permeates meats and vegetables for added smoky
During extended cooking periods, it is normal to add fresh
wood chunks to the ash pan several times. Try and limit the
amount of time the firebox door is opened though, as each
time will cause heat loss and extend cooking times.
Tip: For an extra kick and mouth-watering aroma, add several
onion slices to your ash pan when smoking.
Cold Smoking
Cold smoking is a method used to add smoke flavor to food
without fully cooking the food. Once smoked, the food can be
cooked by any method desired. Seasonings and marinades
can be added before cold smoking most foods. Use your
regular recipe instructions for seasoning then use the following
procedure for cold smoking.
1. Fill smoker box with soaked wood chunks.
2. Fill two kitchen pans with ice.
3. Sprinkle one cup of rock salt over the ice in each pan.
4. Place food to be smoked directly on oven rack or on a
sheet pan.
5. Put one ice pan on oven rack above food to be smoked.
Place the second pan on oven rack below the food to be
6. Bring temperature to 150°F and hold.
7. Use the cold smoking chart on page 12 to determine
smoking times.
8. Halfway through smoking time, turn the food over to
ensure smoke flavor on all sides when sheet pan is used.
9. When smoking is completed, remove foods from smoker
and cook immediately or plastic wrap and refrigerate.
NOTE: Vegetables should be blanched for five minutes in boiling
water, chilled, then air dried before cold smoking.