Standard Gas/Electric HVAC System Wiring
Standard Gas/Electric HVAC System Wiring
JP1: internal RC/RH Jumper
See notes
Typical HVAC system
thermostat wiring color
Be sure to verify your
systems wiring color codes.
Installation Notes
Standard HVAC System Setup
System Type: Set the system type to Gas/Elect in the Mechanical Settings menu of the Installer Setup. This is the default
Single Stage systems use W1 for heating stage 1 and Y1 for cooling stage 1.
Two Stage Heating systems use W1 for stage 1 and W2 for stage 2 heating.
Two Stage Cooling systems use Y1 for stage 1 and Y2 for stage 2 cooling.
HVAC system transformer: If you have an integrated heating and cooling system with a single transformer, do NOT cut
jumper JP1. Wire the HVAC system’s 24VAC common (blue wire) to the 24Com terminal and the 24VAC Return (red) wire
to either 24RH or 24RC terminal. This is typical of most central systems.
If you have separate heating and cooling systems with separate transformers, cut jumper JP1. Wire the heating 24V R
(red) wire to the thermostat’s 24RH terminal. Wire the cooling systems 24V R (red) wire to thermostat’s 24RC terminal.
Also wire the cooling systems 24VAC Common (blue wire) to the thermostat’s 24COM terminal.