he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
Level range: -10dB to +10dB
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
Speaker Tone SetSpeaker T
he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
ust the delay for the center chan-
make up for the distance between
he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
DELAY (Surround speakers delay)
ust the delay for the surround
make up for the distance between
he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
Delay range: 0 ms - 30 ms
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
DELAY (Back Surround speakers delay)
ust the delay for the back sur-
round speaker channels to
make up for the distance be-
he Input/Adjust knob on the front panel or the
buttons on the remote control to
Delay range: 0 ms - 35 ms
1. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel clock-
button on the remote control to
2. Turn the Input/Adjust knob on the front panel counter-
button on the remote control to
(maximum), STA (standard, and MIN (min
Choices: MAX (maximum), STA (standard, and MIN (minChoices: MAX
Select the Dynamic setting that sounds best for you
Maximum: High Signal Compression
Standard: Normal Signal Compression
Minimum: Minimum Signal Compression
Speaker Settings Menu cont.