The Steam Nozzle (1) emits the ow of hot, penetrating steam produced by the Boiler.
The Accessory Adapter is designed to t around the Steam Nozzle, allowing the Fabric Brush
or Lint Remover to be used while steaming.
The Boiler Cap (2) is designed to safely contain steam inside the Boiler, while providing easy
access to the Boiler’s ll hole. The Boiler Cap must be unscrewed and removed in order to ll
the Boiler with water.
The Heating Indicator Light (3) illuminates when the unit is plugged in and the Boiler is actively
heating water. When the Boiler is empty, the Heating Indicator Light will turn off.
The Handle (4) is designed to stay cool while providing maximum grip and comfort.
The Boiler Level Window (5) permits a clear view of the water level inside the Boiler, and is
marked to indicate the maximum water level for easy lling.
The Boiler (6) is the internal reservoir where water is held and converted into steam. For
optimal steam production, the Boiler should not be lled past the MAX mark (7 oz. / 200 ml.)
indicated on the Boiler Level Window.
The Accessory Adapter (7) is the rubber housing that is used to connect the Fabric Brush and
Lint Remover to the Steam Nozzle.
The Fabric Brush (8) ts into the Accessory Adapter and is designed to brush away large
particles such as hairs and loose threads.
The Lint Remover (9) ts into the Accessory Adapter and is designed for removing small
particles, particularly lint.