ProSpray 3.39 25
Item Part No. Description
1 0296 388 Spray gun AG 08, F-thread
0296 386 Spray gun AG 08, G-thread
0502 166 Spray gun AG 14, F-thread
0502 119 Spray gun AG 14, G-thread
2 0296 441 Polegun120cm,G-thread7/8”
0296 443 Polegun120cm,F-thread11/16”
0296 442 Pole gun
0296 444 Pole gun
3 0345 010 In-line roller IR-100
4 9984 573 High-pressurehoseDN4mm,7.5mwithstainlesssteelnipple,1/4”
9984 574 High-pressurehoseDN6mm,15mfordispersion,1/4”
9984 575 High-pressurehoseDN6mm,30mfordispersion,1/4”
9984 506 High-pressurehoseDN10mm,15mwithstainlesssteelnipple,3/8”
9984 568 High-pressurehoseDN13mm,15mwithstainlesssteelnipple,1/2”
9984 567 High-pressurehoseDN10mm,2.5mwithstainlesssteelnipple,3/8”
5 0034 038 Doublesocketforcouplinghigh-pressurehoses(1/4”x1/4”)
3203 026 Doublesocketforcouplinghigh-pressurehoses(3/8”x1/2”)
6 0367 561 Socketforcoupling3/8”whiphosetospraygun(1/4”x3/8”)
7 0034 950 Metex-Reuse
Reuse for pre-ltering of coating material in vessel. Place suction pipe in the reuse.
0034 952 Sieve package (5 pcs) for paint
0034 951 Sieve package (5 pcs) for dispersion
8 0034 383 Gun lter, red, 1 piece; 180 mesh extra ne
0097 022 Gun lter, red, 10 pieces; 180 mesh extra ne
0043 235 Gun lter, yellow, 1 piece; 100 mesh ne
0097 023 Gun lter, yellow, 10 pieces; 100 mesh ne
0034 377 Gun lter, white, 1 piece; 50 mesh medium
0097 024 Gun lter, white, 10 pieces; 50 mesh medium
0089 323 Gun lter, green, 1 piece; 30 mesh coarse
0097 025 Gun lter, green, 10 pieces; 30 mesh coarse
9 0097 108 TipCleanCleaningSetforeasycleaningandconservationofnozzles
0508 619 EasyGlide, special oil (118ml)
0508 620 EasyClean, cleaning and conservation agent (118 ml)
10 2309 956* Large volume container
2312 157* Connection kit for large volume container
*Order at the same time