A minimum distance of 5 m between the unit and spray gun is to
be maintained.
When working outdoors:
Vapors containing solvents may not be allowed to blow toward
the unit.
Note the direction of the wind.
Set the unit up in such a way that vapors containing
solvents do not reach the unit and build up there.
A minimum distance of 5 m between the unit and
spray gun is to be maintained.
U Ventilation when spraying in rooms
Adequate ventilation must be guaranteed for the removal of the
solvent vapors.
U Suction installations
These are to be set-up by the user of the unit according to local
U Earthing of the object
The object to be coated must be earthed.
U Cleaning units with solvents
When cleaning the unit with solvents, the solvent
should never be sprayed or pumped back into a
container with a small opening (bunghole). An
explosive gas/air mixture can be produced. The
container must be earthed.
U Cleaning the unit
Danger of short circuit through penetrating water!
Never spray down the unit with high-pressure or
high-pressure steam cleaners.
U Work or repairs on the electrical
Only have this work carried out by a qualied electrician. No liability
will be taken for incorrect installation.
U Working on electrical components
Remove the mains plug from the socket for all such works.
Components and Description
The shipping carton for your painting system contains the following:
• Suctiontubeandreturntube •Spraytipassembly
• Inletlter •15m,6.35mmdiameterpressurehose
• Spraygunwithtwolters •Instructionmanual
Figure 1 - Controls and Functions
Item Component Description
A) ON / OFF Switch ............................The ON/OFF switch turns the power to the sprayer on and o (O=OFF, l=ON).
B) PRIME / SPRAY Knob ....................The PRIME/SPRAY knob directs uid to the spray hose when set to SPRAY or the return tube when set
to PRIME. The arrows on the PRIME/SPRAY knob shows the rotation directions for PRIME and SPRAY.
The PRIME/SPRAY knob is also used to relieve pressure built up in the spray hose (see Pressure Relief
C) Sureo™ Valve ................................The Sureo™ valve is designed to keep the inlet valve open and from sticking due to dried materials.
The Sureo™ valve is activated automatically every time you turn the ON/OFF switch ON.
D) PressureTrac™ ................................The PressureTrac™ regulates the amount of force the pump uses to push the uid.
E) Pump Section .................................A piston in the pump section moves up and down to create the suction that draws uid through the
suction tube.
F) Suction Tube ..................................Fluid is drawn through the suction tube into the pump.
G) Return Tube ....................................Fluid is sent back out through the return tube to the original container when PRIME/SPRAY knob is in
PRIME position.
H) Inlet lter ..........................................The inlet lter strains the spray material to prevent the system from becoming clogged.
I) Spray Gun ........................................The spray gun controls the delivery of the uid being pumped.
J) Spray Hose ......................................The spray hose connects the gun to the pump.
PP119 - Safety Information