
L3-16 User Guide
Click-horizontal drag changes frequency
Control-click (PC)/Command-click (Mac) and drag constrains movement to the X or Y axis –
vertical drag will lock frequency but allow gain change, and horizontal drag will lock gain but
allow frequency change
Alt-click (PC)/Option-click (Mac) and horizontal drag allows Q adjustment, and disables the
vertical axis while held
Double click on any band marker to toggle in or out
Drag on any de-activated band marker to activate it
Shift-click to select multiple band markers for simultaneous control; shift-click again on any
marker you wish to de-select
Paragraphic EQ/Priority Controls
Note: Each Paragraphic band has controls for Gain, Freq, Q, and Priority. The Link control allows
simultaneous adjustment of the Gain and Priority controls.
- Range -18dB to +18dB
- Default 0dB
Priority adjusts the relative limiting, or relative attenuation distribution, across the bands. Raising
Priority applies less attenuation to the respective bands (in relation to other bands) while maintaining
the same overall limiting; lowering Priority results in more attenuation applied to the respective bands.
It’s important to remember that Priority settings are RELATIVE between bands. This means that if all
bands are set to the same non-zero priority, it has the same effect as setting all priorities to 0.
- Range -18dB to +18dB
- Default 0dB
Gain controls the gain of each Paragraphic EQ band. The linear phase Paragraphic EQ is placed in
front of the limiter. Increasing gain may cause the affected range to go harder into the limiter threshold,
subjecting it to more limiting. To boost the gain of a given range without over-limiting it, raise both
Priority and Gain.