Gas suPPlY
mWARNING: Ventillation holes must be provided in the
structure at the top and bottom to provide ventilation in the
event of a gas leak.
Ventilation holes can be located in a low visibility area and should be protected by
screening material to prevent rodents and insects from entering the structure. Air holes
will also help dry moisture.
Note: These drawings are only a reference.
• Cross ventilation must be incorporated in the supporting structure. We recommend
a minimum of 100 square inches (254 square cm )of venting per side.
• Vents should be on two sides of the structure.
• The above drawings are for reference only.
• Location of the vents should be from the center, outward.
• Locate the vents at both the bottom of the structure and at the top of the structure.
• The bottom vents should be as close to ground level as possible. Make sure the
vent area is not blocked by interior supports of the structure.
• We recommend vents with screens.
• Access doors to the structure are not considered vents.
• Clean the vents periodically.
mDANGER: Failure to follow recommended minimum venting
instructions can cause gas to collect in the structure in the
event of a gas leak. This may result in a fire or an explosion
which can cause serious bodily injury or death, and damage
to property.