Position the charcoal grate and charcoal chamber as shown in step 8 (pg. 9) of this
book. Fill the charcoal chamber about 1/2 full with charcoal, arrange the charcoal so it
will conform to the shape of the water pan (higher on sides and lower in center). When
the coals are ash gray place the water pan on top of the charcoal chamber; add boiling
water (approximately 4 quarts). Seasonings or marinades may be added to the water for
additional flavor. Place the no-handled cooking grate on top of the water pan; add meat.
Place cover on smoker. Top vent should be closed, bottom vents open while steaming.
Lobster Tails
Lobster tails (1 per serving)
Melted butter
Seasoned salt
If using frozen lobster allow it to thaw; cut away underside membrane. To prevent curling while
cooking, hold tail in both hands and bend backward to crack the shell. Brush with melted butter
and sprinkle with seasoned salt. Place on the cooking grill and steam 20 minutes or until shell
is bright red.
Scrub clams under running water until free of sand. Place clams on cooking grill. Cover and
steam until shells open. Approximately 15 minutes.
1 lb. fresh shrimp, peeled, cleaned and deveined, ready to cook
⁄4 cup butter, melted
Juice of
⁄2 lemon
1 clove of garlic, crushed
⁄4 teaspoon oregano
⁄4 teaspoon sweet basil
Combine butter with lemon juice, garlic and seasonings. Pour over shrimp and marinate for
at least
⁄2 hour. Remove shrimp from marinade. Large shrimp can be placed directly on the
cooking grill. If shrimp are small lay them on a piece of aluminum foil that has been punctured
with a fork. Steam approximately 15 minutes or until pink and tender.