
Thank you for choosing one of the Weber
Big Family Q™ barbecues. We know
you will quickly begin to enjoy many memorable barbecued meals on your
Weber Big Family Q™. To help you get started we’ve included this Weber Big
Family Q™ cooking guide. It includes some of our favourite recipes. To get the
best results, you need to use the correct heat settings as shown in the barbe-
cuing and roasting instructions. In addition to the recipes, you’ll find a ‘barbe-
cuing and roasting guide’ on the last few pages. This provides an estimate of
the cooking times for many of the dishes you may like to try.
If you need advice or would like some help you can either call us on 1300 301
290 or e-mail us at custserv@weberbbq.com.au. You’ll find that the people in
our company will go out of their way to try and help you.
If you would like more information about any of our barbecues or accessories,
visit our website at www.weberbbq.com.au.
Thank you again, and happy Weber-Q-ing.
The shape of the Weber
Big Family Q™ is a trademark
of Weber-Stephen Products Co. Australia