m WARNING: Setup up the rotisserie with food before lighting
rotisserie burner.
1) Plug power cord into power source.
m CAUTION: Inspect power cord before each use. If cord
is damaged, do not use. Contact the Customer Service
Representative in your area using the contact information on
our web site. Log onto www.weber.com
2) Slide one of the spit forks towards the right side of the rotisserie shaft, making sure
that the spikes face to the left and the fork screw faces down.
3) Push the rotisserie shaft through the center of the food. Insert the tines of both spit
forks into the food. The food should be centered on the shaft. Tighten the spit fork
screw (c).
4) Slide another spit fork onto the rotisserie shaft, making sure that the spikes face
to the right and the fork screw faces up. Insert the tines of both spit forks into the
food. Tighten the spit fork screw (d).
5) Insert the pointed end of the rotisserie shaft into the motor. Lower the rotisserie spit
into the grooves on the cookbox.
6) The rotisserie shaft should rotate so that the heavy side of the meat or poultry
rotates down to the bottom. Large cuts may require the removal of the cooking
grates and warming rack to allow full rotation of the shaft. Remount the food if
necessary for better balance.
7) Turnthemotoron.
Note: Before using your rotisserie, measure your food at the widest point. If it exceeds
9½” (241.8mm), it is too large to fit the rotisserie. If it is too large, food can be prepared
using a roast holder and the Indirect Cooking Method.
• Readallinstructionsbeforeusingyourrotisserie.
• Thisrotisserieisforoutdooruseonly.
• Removemotorandstoreinadryplacewhennotinuse.
• Donottouchhotsurfaces.Usebarbecuemitts.
• Thisrotisserieisnotforusebychildren.
• Toprotectagainstelectricalhazardsdonotimmersecord,
plugs, or motor in water or other liquids.
• Unplugthemotorfromoutletwhennotinuseorbefore
• Donotuserotisserieforotherthanintendeduse.
• Makesuremotorisoffbeforeplacingitonthemotor
• Donotoperatetherotisseriemotorwithadamagedcordor
• Donotoperatetherotisseriemotorifitshouldmalfunction.
• Therotisseriemotorisequippedwithathreeprong
(grounding) power cord for your protection against shock
• Thepowercordshouldbepluggeddirectlyintoa
properly grounded three prong receptacle. If use of an
extension cord is required, be sure that it is a minimum
16 AWG(1.3mm), 3-wire, well insulated cord marked for
OUTDOOR USE ONLY and properly grounded.
• Whenusinganextensioncord,makesureitisnotin
contact with a hot or sharp surface.
• Outdoorextensioncordsshouldbemarkedwiththeletters
“W-A” and a tag stating “Suitable for use with outdoor
• Donotcutorremovethegroundingprongfromthe
rotisserie motor power cord.
• Donotletcordhangoveranysharpedgeorhotsurface.
• Donotexposetorain.
• Toreducetheriskofelectricshock,keepextensioncord
connection dry and off the ground.
• Ashortpowercordissuppliedtoreducetheriskof
tripping over the cord. Extension cords may be used, but
caution must be taken to prevent tripping over the cord.
• Inabsenceoflocalcodestherotisseriemotormustbe
grounded electrically in accordance with the National
Electric Code, ANSI / NFPA 70, or Canadian Electrical
Code, CSA C22.1.
operatiNG iNstructioNs