change the equipment pl ug, extension
cordrecept acle,or exte nsi o ncord plugin
any way.
D To reduce t herisk ofelect r ical sh ock,use
extension cords specifically marked as
suitable for outdoor appliances. The
electr i calrati ngofthe cordmust behigher
than the rati ng of the unit. The cor d must
be mar ked wit h t h e suffix “W-A”(inCana-
da, “W” ) . Make sure your ext ension cord
is i n good condition . Inspect ext e nsi o n
cord before use and replace if damaged.
An undersized extension cord wi l l cause
a drop i n line voltage resulting i n loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use
the next heavier gauge. The smal l er the
gauge number, t he heavier the cord.
(NOTE: The correct size to be use d de-
pending on the cord length is shown in
this manual. See
in the ASSEMBLY secti on).
S Do not u se m ult i p l e cords.
S Keep t heextension cor d cl earofoperator
and obstacles at al l ti mes.
D T i e cord to cord r et ai ner and connect to
recessed plug as shown in this manual to
prevent damage t o un it and/or ext ension
cord and to reduce t he possibility of the
extension cord di sconnecting f r om t he
unit dur i ng operat i on.
D Do not a t t empt to repair un i t . Inspect t he
insulati o nand connector s on the un itand
exte nsion c ord b efor e each use. If there
is any damage, do not use until damage
is r epair ed by your aut hori zed service
D Don’t use the uni t if the swi t ch does not
turn t he unit on and offproperl y. Have the
unit repair ed by an authori zed service
D A voi d accidental start i ng. Be sure the
switch is in the
OFF position and keep
your hand and fi ngers away f r om t he
switch while connecti ng the unit to the
power sour ce or when carrying a unit
connect e d to th e p ow er source.
D A voi d any body cont act with any
grounded conductor, such as m et al
fences, or pipes, to avoid the possibility of
electri c sho ck.
D Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection sh ould be pr ovided on the cir-
cuit or outl et to be used for this uni t . Re-
ceptacles are available having built-in
GFCI pr ot ect ion andmay b e used forthis
measure of saf ety.
D S t o p t h e motorim me d iatel y i fyou areap-
Y our unit is double insulated to help protect
again st elect ri c shock. Double insul ati o n
construction consists of tw o separate “l ay-
ers” of electrical insulation instead of
grounding.Toolsand appli ancesbuiltwitha
doubl e insula t ion system are not int en ded
to be grounded. No grounding means is
pro vided on this unit, nor shoul d a means
forgrounding be added to t hi s unit.As are-
sult, t he extension cord used with your unit
can be plugged into any standar d 120 v ol t
electr ical ou t l et.
Safe typrecau ti on smustbeobserve dwhen
oper ating any el ectri cal to ol.The doublein-
sulation system only provides added pro-
tection against injury resulting from an inter-
nal electrical insulation failure.
All electrical repairs to this unit, including
housin g, swit ch, motor, etc., must be diag-
nosed a nd repair e d by an authori zed ser-
vicedealer.Replacement part sfora double
insulated appliance m ust be ident i cal tothe
parts t hey replace. A double i nsulat ed
appliance is mar ked wi t h the words
The symbol ( square withi n a
squar e)
pliance. Fa il ure t ohave th eunit r ep air e dby
an authori zed servi ce dealercan c ause the
doubl e insulat ion constructi o n to becom e
inef fective and result in serious injury .
D Do not set the unit on any sur f ace except
a clean, har d area whi l e the uni t i s run-
ning. Debri s such as gr avel, sand, dust,
grass, etc., could be picked u p by the air
intake and thrown out through the dis-
charge opening,damagingthe unit ,pr op-
erty, or cau sing seri ous i njury to bystand-
ers or oper at or.
D Do not overre ach or use fr om unstab l e
surfaces such as ladders, tr e es, steep
slopes, rooftops, et c. Use extra car e
when cl ea ning on stair w a ys. Keep fir m
foo ti ng and balance at all ti m es . Keeps
hands out of t ubes.
D Inspecttheentireunitbefor eeach usefor
wor n , loose, mis sing, or damage d part s.
Do notuse unti l t heunit i s i n properwork-
ing order .
D Thi s unit is double insulat ed. See the
section. Have all internal service per-
form edby quali fiedservicerepairpe rson-
nel t o avoid creat i ng a hazard or voiding
your warr ant y.