raining Zone Exercise
After warming up, increase the intensity of your exer-
cise until your pulse is in your training zone for 20 to
60 minutes. (During the first few weeks of your exer
cise program, do not keep your pulse in your training
zone for longer than 20 minutes.) Breathe regularly
and deeply as you exercise—never hold your breath.
A Cool-down
Finish each workout with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching
to cool down.
This will increase the flexibility of your
muscles and will help to prevent post-exercise problems.
o maintain or improve your condition, complete three
workouts each week, with at least one day of rest
between workouts. After a few months, you may com-
plete up to five workouts each week if desired.
The key to success is to make exercise a regular and
enjoyable part of your everyday life.