Shutting Down the Server
The WD Sentinel server is intended to be on at all times, providing shared data and backup
services. A best practice is to avoid turning the unit off. However, if it does become
necessary (for example, moving the server to a different location), then follow the procedures
It is very important that the WD Sentinel server be shut down or restarted in a clean and
graceful manner. There are two ways to do this:
Through the Server Settings section in the Dashboard
Through the power switch on the front panel of the server.
To shut down or restart using the Dashboard (Preferred method):
1. Click Server Settings in the icon bar.
2. To shut down, right-click the red button in the lower left corner of the page and select
Shut down.
3. To restart, right-click the arrow and select Restart
4. When the confirmation message appears, click Ye s.
To perform a clean shutdown using the front panel:
1. Press the power button for approximately ½ sec. (You may have to press it twice
quickly.) The LCD displays “SHUTTING DOWN.”
Note: In the event that the two methods above fail and you must force the unit off,
hold down the power button for more than 3 seconds. The server powers off.
When you turn it back on, the server executes a verification background task
of the entire RAID system. This process may take a long time and degrade
the performance. The unit is operational under this condition.
WARNING! To avoid a potentially unclean shutdown that could corrupt the RAID
configuration, shut down the server through the Dashboard rather
than the front panel.