Connecting Your Loudspeakers
Using separate cables for treble and bass units in a Bi-Wiring configuration reduces intermodulation
Standard Connections
effects and improves headroom and clarity. To bi-wire, you will need to install two lengths of twin core
cable between the amplifier and each loudspeaker.
Unscrew each terminal a few turns and remove the metal straps. Connect the cables between the
amplifier and the loudspeakers as indicated above and re-tighten all the terminals securely.
Note: Some amplifiers have two pairs of output terminals to facilitate bi-wiring but this is not essential.
The advantages of bi-wiring are fully retained if your amplifier has only one pair of output terminals per
channel (as in the illustration).
Bi-Amplifying (Bi-Amping)
By connecting each loudspeaker drive unit to its own dedicated amplifier the advantages of Bi-Wiring
can be extended. If you own two identical stereo power amplifiers, your Pacific Evolution speakers may
be Bi-Amped. For further details please consult your dealer
Choose a suitable length of twin core speaker cable for each channel, and prepare the ends as described
Centre Channel and Surround Loudspeaker Connections
above. Unscrew each terminal a few turns but leave the straps in place.
The Pacific Evolution Centre and DFS Surround loudspeakers are intended for use specifically with
Connect the red, positive (+) terminal of the Left loudspeaker to the corresponding red, positive (+)
Audio Visual equipment having Centre and Rear loudspeaker outputs. Connect these loudspeakers as
amplifier terminal. Connect the black, negative (-) terminals similarly. Tighten the terminals securely.
shown, again observing polarity. The Centre channel speaker may be connected as shown, or bi-wired.
Repeat this procedure for the Right Channel.
You may connect the loudspeakers using either the upper or the lower pair of terminals.
Bi-Wiring Connections
Positioning Your Loudspeakers
If the loudspeakers are placed too close to the walls the bass will increase but may be boomy and
Conventional Loudspeakers
indistinct. If the loudspeakers are placed further away from the walls, the inward angle may be
Pacific Evolution 20, 30 and 40 are designed to be floor standing. We suggest you position them at
increased by up to 40%, although this may restrict the width of the optimum listening position. The
least 200 mm from the rear walls and 700 mm from the side walls, facing slightly inwards. The Pacific
speakers should ideally be positioned so that the treble units are roughly at ear level to a seated
Evolution 8 and 10 should ideally be stand or wall mounted though they may be placed on a rigid
listener. As personal taste plays a large role, experiment with different configurations and play a wide
shelf. The bass extension will improve if these speakers are operated closer to the rear walls. A useful
range of programmes before finalising the position of your speakers.
rule of thumb is that the listener should be as far from the loudspeakers as they are from each other.
Pacific Evolution Centre Loudspeaker
This loudspeaker should be positioned centrally
between the loudspeakers close to the television and
mounted either above or below the screen.
The loudspeaker should be located on a stable flat
surface to avoid any danger of the cabinet moving
when it is vibrated by high sound levels. If you mount
the unit on top of the television, move it forward so that
the front grilles are level with or slightly in front of the
screen. This will reduce reflections from the screen and
the top of the cabinet.
Although you can place the centre channel loudspeaker
under the TV monitor, this should always be regarded
as second best. The preferred position is always above
the monitor, as shown.