If your system appears not to be working as well as you expect, the following notes may be of Please read this manual together with all the manuals concerning the rest of your system.
some help.
If, having attempted to resolve the problem, the trouble still persists, consult your dealer for
Before investigating the cause of a problem, always switch off the system at the mains. assistance.
Please bear in mind that Home Theatre systems can be quite complex and there is often a variety Do NOT try to remove any covers on the product or attempt to dismantle it in any way. There are
of factors involved. no user serviceable parts inside and you will invalidate any warranty.
Symptom Possible Cause
No Sound System not switched on
Wrong source selected
Sound lacks bass content Loudspeakers wired incorrectly
Bass reproduction muddy or indistinct Front speakers set to Smal with no subwoofer connected
Excessive bass distortion at low volume levels Bass level set too high
LFE level set too high
Excessive or distorted bas at high volume leves System level set too high
Front loudspeakers or subwoofer too close to room corners
Distorted or rattling sounds at high volume leves System level set too high
Objects placed on Front loudspeakers or subwoofer
Popping sounds or thumps from Front speaker or subwoofer System level set too high
LFE level set too high: Subwoofer level set too high
Indistinct sound One or more loudspeakers is out of phase
Poor localisation of effects (See the relevant pages of this manual for the correct connection procedure)
Television picture is distorted or there is colour distortion Front loudspeakers or subwoofer too close to the TV. (Switch off the system and TV. Move
loudspeaker away. Leave 15 mins. Switch on again)
Fruther help and advice
A wide range of AV and audio topics can be found at the Wharfedale web site.
Home Theater is discussed in depth at the Dolby Laboratories web site.
The Digital Theater Systems web site is also full of interest and worth a visit.