Take CI few minutes to
n read the “Ice maker
operation” section, Panel C, and the
Use and Core Guide to fully
understand your new ice maker.
Open rce maker door.
n Wash out the interior of
the bin wtth CI solution of two
baking soda and one
quart of water. Rinse the bin
thoroughly with water.
If Ice maker is rnstolled
. above 2,DBfeet
altitude, the bin and evaporator
thermostats will need odjusttng.
Remove the thermostats and follow
the drrections for turning the altitude
adjustment screws OS shown on
each of the thermostat labels.
Relnstoll the thermostats in the ice
w Replace the access grrlle.
Turn on the water supply
n and check for leaks Then
turn on the electrical supply
Turn the ice maker control
. knob to the right to the
“CLEAN” position. Check that the
pump motor is operating correctly
Turn the control knob to
. the ‘ON’ position. Check
that the condenser fan is revolving.
Ice maker must run for three hours
before you may expecl ice.
Let the ice maker run for
n three hours When water
flows over the freezing plate, check
that it is flowing evenly If it IS not, the
ice maker IS not level and Step 15
should be repeated.
Do Not adjust the thickness setting
until Ice maker has run for 24
Continue to let the ice
n maker run for 24 hours.
Check to see if cubes are the
desrred thickness and, if necessary.
odiust the thickness control.
If tnstalling decorative
W wood panels on the
door and lower panel, follow the “To
change the bin door and lower
panel- instructlons.
\ Congratulations! J
Keep lnstallutlon lnstructlons
Ice maker
Before running your rce maker for the
frrst time, you should note the
* Water enters only durrng the
defrost cycle, so the first harvest
cycle ~111 be completed without
water in the system.
Water WIII not enter the pump
pan until the freezing plate gets
cold and the ice maker begIns o
harvest cycle
A normal harvest cycle takes
between 60 to 120 seconds to
complete. However, do not
expect Ice until the ice maker
hds been operating for at least
three hours
- The evaporator thermostat opens
when the evaporator reaches
the preset temperature
(+lo” to -3°F. depending on the
thickness of the ice) The hot was
solenord and the water valve
solenoid are energized at this
time, so the pump motor and fan
motor wrll shut down. The motors
will reman off and the solenoids
wrll remain charged until the
evaporator reaches 38°F &2”F)
As the temperature of the room
and water varies, so will the
amount of Ice produced. Hrgher
operating temperatures will result
in less ice made To make the
most ice. set the thickness control
to produce l/2’ to 510’ cubes
To change the
bin door and
lower panel
The bin door and lower panel con
be customized to match wood
Personal InJury Hazard
Handle metal edges carefully.
Cut metal edges may cause
personal ln]ury or damage to
other materials.
1 Cut panels using the specified
dimensions. Make sure wood groin
matches thedrrectlon of the coblnet
wood grain.
The Ice maker Is subject to some
humldlty. Cover both sides and
edges of the wood panels with
molsture-reslstant sealer.
2. Open the bin door and remove
the two screws holding the handle to
the top of the door. Remove the
3. Slrde the metal panel out of the
brn door.
4 Break off the ribs on the door
5 Slide the wood door brn panel Into
the door brn frame
6. Reattach the handle with the two
7. Remove the two screws at the
bottom and the two screws at the
top of the lower panel Remove the
top of the lower panel assembly
8 Slide the metal panel and the
spacers out of the lower panel
9 Slrde the metal panel back Into
the lower panel assembly Slide
the wood panel in front of the metal
10. Reattach the tow of the pore
with the two screws’and replace the
two screws at the bottom of the
How your ice
maker works:
When the ice maker is turned
to “ON”:
- Compressor and condenser fans
Water pump crrculates water
- Cutter grad becomes worm to
When the ice slab reaches the
desired thickness:
. Harvest cycle begins (Normal
harvest cycle takes 60 to 120
Evaporator thermostat IS
. Compressor keeps running. but
the condenser fan will stop
turning or turn very slowly
. Water pump stops
. Hot
solenoid and the water
inlet valve open.
. Excess water IS flushed out of the
drain pan.
. Cutter grid remalns worm to
After the slab is released:
* Cycle begins oQaIn.
Cuthng process begins
When the storage bin is filled:
Bin thermostat opens.
. Cutter grid remains on.
Things to
The ice maker will automatically
continue to harvest Ice until the
storage bin IS full The Ice maker
wrll shut down when the ice I” the
storage bin touches the bin
thermostat well. It will begin
harvesting ice agoln when Ice IS
removed from the brn.
The storage bin is not refrigerated
so there will be some melting. This
will vary with the temperature of
the room where the Ice maker is
The ice maker must have good
ventllatron to work properly. Do
Not block the front of the Ice
maker Keep the front air grille
and condenser clean.
- The water system. Including the
filter screen in the water solenord
valve, needs to be cleaned
perrodrcally for good circulatrOn.
lnstructrons for cleaning the water
system are located on the inner
door panel
Panel C