Caring For Your Dryer
Cleaning the lint screen
The lint screen is bcated under
a lii
on top of the dryer.
Clean It before each
A screen blocked by lint can increase drying time.
Product and Fabric Damage Hazard
Do not run the dryer with the lint screen loose,
damaged, blocked or mlsslng. Dolng so can
cause overheatlng and damage to both the
dryer and fabrics.
Open the lid and pull the lint screen
straight out.
2. Poll lint off the screen with your
fingers. Do
rinse or wash the
screen. Wet lint is hard to remove.
3. Push the lint screen firmly back into
place and cbse the lid.
Cleaning the dryer interior
Electrkal Shock and
Personal Injury Hazard
l Turn off the electrkal power
before cleaning the Interior.
l Make sure the dryer Is cool.
Failure to do so could result In
electrical shock or Injury.
Flre Hazard
l Use non-flammable cleaner.
Failure to do so could result In
an explosion.
Garments which contain unstable
dyes, such as denim blue jeans or
brightly cobred cotton items, may
discobr the dryer interior. lf the interior
is discobred, clean with one of the
folbwing methods to avoid staining
later load items.