Page 17
Alarm Codes Cause Solution
“P1” Bottle probe failure Replace Bottle Probe
“P1” Bottle probe Disconnected Reconnect Bottle Probe
“P2” Evaporator Probe Failure Replace Evaporator Probe
“HA” Max Bottle Probe Temp Alarm Check the set point, lower if needed
Check the door for a good seal
Check for sucient insulation, re-insulate if needed
“LA” Minimum Bottle Probe Temp
Check the set point, raise if needed
“EA” External Alarm Check the display to see which alarm code is causing the alarm.
Then located the solution and repair.
“POF” Keypad locked Hold “Up” and “Down” buttons for 3 to 5 seconds to disable,
“PON” should appear once key pad is unlocked
Normal Functions cont.
• Fof - Humidity Management Enhancement: This parameter is normally set at 1. This pa-
rameter should not be adjusted, as it simply provides an OFF cycle time for the fan, during
the compressor OFF cycle. However, the parameter is located within the CPSM as a conve-
nience to the customer, should it need to be adjusted.
• CCS – Cellar Pre-Chill Set Point: This parameter is set at 52°f, but can be adjusted to a set
point between 45°f - 67°f.
• bLL/Act – Compressor O or On for Low (bLL) or High (Act) Temperature Alarm: These pa-
rameters are set at “n”. With this parameter set at “n” the refrigeration system will continue
to operate normally, if there is a High or Low temperature Alarm. To change this parameter,
change the setting to “y”, and the compressor/refrigeration system will shut o during a
High or Low temperature Alarm.
• Con/Cof – Compressor On time (Con) and O time (Cof) with a Probe 1 failure/Alarm. These
parameters are set at Con 40 min/Cof 10 min. In the event that there is a Probe 1 failure/
Alarm, the compressor/refrigeration system automatically starts a predetermined ON/OFF
cycle, which is controlled by the Con and the Cof parameters. The customer can adjust
these parameters to maintain the desired Bottle Probe temperature. During a Probe 1
failure/Alarm, the Bottle Probe temperature can be monitored by pressing the Up or Down
arrow to view the High and Low Temperature History.
• Hes – Dierential for Energy Reduction – This parameter is set at 4, which results in a set
point of 58°f during the Energy Reduction mode. A decrease in this setting will decrease
the set point, and an increase in this feature will increase the set point.
“AUX” indicates the unit is in its anti-frost mode. This means the evaporator temp has reached
a low temp of 26° and has sustained that temp for a period of ve minutes. ( The compres-
sor and condenser fans will turn o, but the evaporator fans will continue to run. Once the
temperature of the evaporator gets back up to 40°, the “AUX” light will deactivate and the
system will revert back to normal operating conditions.)